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  • Dr. Paramvir Singh

Are you having acid reflux or chronic heartburn? Do you know what it is and what problems it can arise? Acid reflux or heartburn is a kind of indigestion that causes severe pain in the chest. This particular condition generally occurs when your stomach acid flows up into the esophagus. It may occur sometimes as just a minor discomfort. On the other hand, it can even lead to damage in the quality of life conditions. This article is framed for you to understand what this internal problem is and how to deal with it, rather get rid of it.

Your stomach entrances consist of a valve. This is a ring of muscles regarded as the LES, lower esophageal sphincter. As soon as the food passes, it closes normally. However, if it remains open quite often or doesn’t close, that is when the acid from the stomach moves up to your esophagus. If the acid reflux condition happens twice a week, it can even lead to gastroeshophageal reflux disease.

Causes of acid reflux: it occurs commonly due to hiatal hernia, a kind of stomach abnormality. It can also occur in case you are pregnant or intake blood pressure medications. It also can be caused due to smoking or drinking alcohol, eating large meals, snacking close to your bedtime, and others.

Ways to manage chronic heartburn: You can bring your digestion system under control and get rid of heartburn by yourself. With respect to this, you essentially need to follow these tips.

1. Quit smoking - since nicotine is a muscle reluctant, it relaxes the LES thus allowing the acid to flow from the stomach to the esophagus. You may even use nicotine gums or patches which are not as harmful as cigarettes and less likely to cause heartburn.

2. Stop alcohol intake – Similar to cigarettes, alcohol relaxes the sphincter muscle at the end of the esophagus and trigger heartburn by allowing the acid flow. You must avoid alcohol to bring back your system under normalcy and instead do some exercise, or listen to music to sooth yourself after a long day work.

3. Change in the dietary habits – beverages like tea, coffee, milk causes chronic heartburn and so do spicy foods, foods with excessive fat and cholesterol, tomatoes, garlic, chocolates, peppermint, etc. You must avoid these foods and change your diet accordingly.

4. Avoid overeating – Heartburn can be triggered by overeating or intake of large meals. It gives pressure to the sphincter muscles and the stomach contents keep backing up into your esophagus through this open passage. It takes a huge time for your stomach to become empty in case you intake big meals and finally contributing to acid reflux. To deal with heartburn or acid reflux, you must trying taking small meals five times a day.

5. Lose weight - if you have excessive weight, the excess abdominal fats in your body create pressure in the stomach thereby causing it to move up the acid to the esophagus thereby increasing the risk of acid reflux.

6. Contact the stomach specialist in Redding – the specialist will diagnose your problem and might suggest medications like antacids for occasionally heartburn. In case of chronic heartburn, proton pump inhibitors or H2 blockers are also prescribed. In case all attempts fail, surgery might be required.

Redding gastroenterology care provides a specialized treatment of acid reflux. The best gastroenterologist in Redding will assist you to help solve your life conditions. You can contact anytime.

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